Handwriting University Official
Directory of Handwriting Experts (2018)
Certified Handwriting Experts worldwide
that have been trained and certified through the
Handwriting University International Curriculum.
Common Questions About Our Authorized Trainers & Mentors
The following individuals have the full approval and are authorized to train, mentor, consult, and even sell and deliver the core curriculum of Handwriting University programs which have only previously been available via our USA headquarters. You can even get enrolled into the Certification Home Study Course. All certification candidates worldwide are now tested directly through our USA headquarters for the final exam and Certification process.
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Authorized Trainers
Authorized Mentors
Call them today to enroll in the basic or Certification Course and get personal tutoring in person, phone, or skype as you move through your course.
Authorized Trainers
Pradeep Sonu Kirpalani
Shweta Amarprakash Gupta
Authorized Mentors
Shrikant P Paranjape
Nidhi A Gupta
Pooja Saran
Dr. Parag Khatri
Doc Grayson
Sign Up for Free Consultation
Nitin M. Shinde
Associate Authorized Mentors
Anitha Kadam
Lee Kuang Chen
Courses available with Chinese Subtitles
Michelle Emmanuel
Rajesh Kothari
Pooja Patil
Charles Devries
Archana Jindal
Sagar Jayawant
Christopher Lewin
Sneha Jain
Rhea Vanvari
Joe Braza
Angela Chou
Neelam Kriplani
More Applications Pending. Australia, USA, India,
Some parts of the courses can be delivered in your local language. Hindi and Chinese is available for personal instruction and some videos have subtitles in Hindi and Chinese.
Learn More about becoming an Authorized Trainer and Seeing your name and phone number on this site:
Other graduates around the globe by country: