Sagar Jayawant has the full approval and is authorized to train, mentor, consult, as well as sell and deliver the core curriculum of Handwriting University programs.There are only a select few authorized reseller and authorized mentors in the United States. Sagar Jayawant teaches local classes and supports students worldwide via Skype and telephone tutoring. He can even get you enrolled into the Certification Home Study Course. Plus, if you purchase the course from Sagar, you will get the exact same course as Handwriting University sells and personalized mentoring throughout your education. Once complete, you can take your final exam and you can become certified through Handwriting University USA.
You can get in touch with Sagar Jayawant to get your handwriting analyzed, take a local course, enroll into the Basic (101) or Certification (301) Course. Plus, if you have never had your handwriting analyzed by a professional, you will want to hire Sagar Jayawant for a comprehensive analysis of yourself, your spouse, and your employees.